The Hardest Game

After unlocking a glass case, the store associate reaches inside then hands the most sought-after video game to my dad.

β€œI’ll be at the counter if there’s anything else you need.” The associate says. He locks the case as another customer approaches him for help.

Dad is quiet. He raises a suspicious-looking eyebrow, staring at the game’s cover art.

I look around us. Stupid Tom Myers from class keeps poking his head down our aisle. His desperation is potent. There’s blood in the air. He wants this game too, and only this store sells it.

God… Hurry Dad!

β€œHoneybun, what’s this black box mean in the corner, this M-A?” Dad asks. β€œDoes that mean ma? Do you need to discuss this game with mom?”

β€œNo. Itβ€”It’s a difficulty level for the game. It just means it’s a hard game to play.”

β€œHmm. This store is crazy to charge this much, and it doesn’t seem like kids can play itβ€”especially not girls. You’re thirteen…” He uses his eyeglasses like a magnifying glass to see the cover better. β€œWhy is there blood splatter everywhere? And where’s this woman’s clothes? She’s almost buck-naked sitting on… what’s that, an octopus?”

Great. Same old dad overthinking everything.

He’s bumming me out so much, it’s making my belly hurt…

β€œI think you need to keep up with your babysitting.” He continues. β€œSave, save, save! If you do, you’ll have lots of money when you grow up. Then you can buy hundreds of these video games.” He sighs. β€œExcept, by then, you’ll likely be waist deep in the game of life and no longer interested in them. And let me tell you something, you think these little video games are hard? Life is the hardest game. But you can win, even when tasting defeat. Remember that.”

He sets the game on a shelf beside other unrelated items.

Tom pops out of nowhere. β€œHeyoo!” he yells and runs off with it.

Son of a bitch! There’s one game left!

β€œGreat!” My hands fly in the air.

I look around. Someone needs to open this case to get the last game, but the associates are busy helping other people.

β€œI don’t wanna grow up.” I huff. β€œI just wanna buy this. Can you help me or something? I’m twenty dollars short. I’ll pay you back after I babysit on Saturday.”

β€œTwenty dollars short? What’d you spend your money on?”


β€œChoices.” He gives me the β€˜you should know better than that,’ smirk. β€œYou’ll have to wait until your payday.”

Ugh! I walk away.

I’m so mad I can’t look at him anymore. My belly is in knots…

I look myself over.

Why do I feel wet?

Oh no…


β€œHey, wait! There’s red on you!” Dad’s big mouth yells across the store like there’s an emergency.

I’m frozen.

A million quiet eyes are on me. Lips move, whispering. Everyone in the store must know.

β€œHoney, it’s on your shorts!”

I power walk through the store, trying my best to ignore the mini blood pool that soaked through my white shorts.

β€œDo you need to talk to mom!?” Dad yells trying to keep up behind me.

I pick up speed as the automatic doors separate, then run for my life back to our car.

Life is the hardest game.


17 responses to “The Hardest Game”

  1. Knukkls Avatar

    Lol. I’ll never know exactly how it feels but you did a great job in giving me the experience of what I imagine a part of my daughter’s life must be like.

    1. Kirsten Avatar

      Haha. It’s a wild and bloody journey for sure. πŸ˜„


    It must be her first period?
    The story is interesting.
    Well written.
    The length of the story is great.
    The words used in the story is appropriate.
    I like the way the girl and father talks, their tone of speaking is differential.
    Best wishes on this wonderful write up.

    1. Kirsten Avatar

      Haha, I’ll leave that for readers to decide. Thank you for reading! Happy you enjoyed it. 😊

      1. DEVANG UPADHYAYA Avatar

        Best wishes
        Keep writing such wonderful short stories at your own pace and share them whenever you feel like.
        Such stories are unique, and a quick dose of enjoyment. Best wishes to you my friend. I wish you a wonderful time ahead.

      2. Kirsten Avatar

        Thank you kindly! Best wishes to you too! πŸ’«βœ¨οΈ

  3. Dawn Pisturino Avatar

    What a great story, Kirsten!

    1. Kirsten Avatar

      Hehee, gotta love those embarrassing moments. Thank you for reading, Dawn! I’m pleased you enjoyed it. πŸ’•

  4. Pooja G Avatar

    Oh no! We’ve all had those embarrassing moments. Periods always come at the worst time for some reason. Loved the story πŸ’–


      I wonder if there’s any signal to it?
      My friend shared that she is feeling like she’s getting period on that day.
      I think I need to look more into this πŸ€”

      1. Pooja G Avatar

        Sometimes you feel it coming sometimes it’s a surprise πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

      2. DEVANG UPADHYAYA Avatar

        I will research more about it and ask more women about it.

    2. Kirsten Avatar

      Good ol’ mother nature and her surprises. It all happens for a great purpose in the end, haha. Thanks for reading! Much appreciated. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

      1. Pooja G Avatar

        Haha yes and my pleasure! 😊

  5. Mike U. Avatar

    β€œGreat!” My hands fly in the air. (This appears to be my go-to response to pretty much everything in my life.) πŸ˜€

    This is a cool story. Poor clueless dad, eh? I love your ability to instill humor into your stories. You’re so good at this. Fun stuff, my friend! πŸ™‚

    1. Kirsten Avatar

      Haha, we share the same go-to response. πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for reading, Mike, I’m happy you liked it. Hehee this was inspired by my own Dad. πŸ’•

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